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09 August 2024
Oil & gas

Cedar LNG: Canada's FLNG benchmark

The Cedar LNG project forms part of a burgeoning pipeline of Canadian LNG projects looking to take advantage of strong demand for LNG imports from several Asian markets....

28 June 2024
Other, Social infrastructure

Catch up on all 2024 event content and online project finance training

Having exclusive access to our extensive library of 2024 content is a game-changer. Catch up on sessions from Global 2024 and more. Plus, elevate your skills and boost...

05 December 2023

Vineyard Wind 1: A slow flying flock to tax equity

The $1.2 billion Vineyard Wind 1 tax equity deal is the first for a commercial-scale US offshore wind farm and the largest-ever single asset tax equity financing to...

25 August 2023

Putting a spanner to the CfD works

An unfolding cost crisis in the UK offshore wind sector is causing market concerns about the CfD regime that do not appear to be getting through to the UK government. The...

25 August 2023
Oil & gas

Proximo Weekly: Will the next wave of fertiliser deals be greener than the last?

With the US holding a significant gas price advantage, the dynamics of traditional fertiliser production, particularly in Europe, are changing. But that change could also...

02 June 2023

Proximo Weekly: MTA’s P3 debut

Is smaller ticket asset bundling the way to develop a consistent US P3 pipeline?

24 May 2023
Oil & gas

Port Arthur LNG: Old school but it works

The deal may not have the cross-collateralisation bells and whistles of other recent US LNG financings, but Port Arthur LNG is a robust project financing and a bellwether...

01 September 2022
Oil & gas

Project ONE: Raising the European petchem project debt benchmark

ECAs and banks are yet to be mandated for Europe’s largest petrochemicals investment in the past 20 years – Ineos’ ethylene plant in Belgium. But despite ongoing...

19 August 2022

Does US BESS need the IRA's supercharging?

The growth of the US battery storage market will be further accelerated by the significant tax incentives offered by the Inflation Reduction Act. Participants are excited...

03 August 2022

Renewables costs: The only way is up - or is it?

Renewables supply chain costs are going up. The cost of project debt is going up. The cost of hedging is going up. But costings for many projects were agreed long before...

23 June 2022
Metals and Mining

Proximo Weekly: Chile's changing pit politics

How is the drafting of Chile’s new constitution affecting mining investor and lender sentiment? It’s not a disaster, but the lack of a dedicated mining statute will make...

17 June 2022

Proximo Weekly: Biomass bugs

Not all biomass has the same green credentials. But credit concerns, as much as policy issues, should drive biomass wariness.

27 May 2022

Proximo Weekly: Ain't no sunshine anymore

The US solar market should be an investment and lending no-brainer. But the combination of the Auxin tariff investigation and slow movement on new renewables credits...

18 November 2021
Oil & gas

Setting the bar for the next wave in Australian LNG?

The spike in natural gas prices has provided a big boost to the developers of a new wave of Australian LNG projects. But emissions concerns are going to be a bigger...

05 November 2021

Proximo Weekly: COPing with the devil in the details

COP 26 felt like a watershed this week – at least in terms of cohesive global strategy. But there is still a vast amount of work to do at the granular regulatory level to...

07 October 2021

Montezano on BNDES: A different force for change

Gustavo Montezano, head of BNDES since 2019, was appointed to rejig the bank’s lending policies and development role. He has done so. Now he has plans for more change...

23 September 2021

Vineyard Wind: Full-scale US offshore at last

The debt package for the Vineyard Wind 1 offshore wind farm had few surprises. By demonstrating that tenors and tax capacity should not hold up financing activity it was...

26 August 2021
Oil & gas, Power, Renewables

Can carbon capture be more than a cover for business as usual?

Carbon capture still needs to shake off the perception that it is unproven, expensive and has suspect ESG credentials if it is to be bankable. Its proponents claim that...

21 April 2021
Metals and Mining, Power, Renewables

The future's green, the future's Latin?

With net zero and energy transition given renewed vigour on the global political stage, Latin America is witnessing a surge of interest in green hydrogen/ammonia...

25 March 2021
Power, Renewables, Social infrastructure, Transport, Waste and water

What cost Brexit?

Brexit has been largely overshadowed by pandemic economic angst in the UK infrastructure sector. The additional bureaucracy will mean additional cost, but quantifying how...