Bankable without banks in Latin American infrastructure
Institutional lenders are increasingly comfortable with a wide variety of greenfield and brownfield assets in Latin America. Will governments continue to make sure these...
Institutional lenders are increasingly comfortable with a wide variety of greenfield and brownfield assets in Latin America. Will governments continue to make sure these...
Asia has enjoyed marked success in solar installations in the last decade, though a small number of large developed economies have taken the lead. How can sponsors access...
Colombia has launched a new wave of transport concessions with some significant tweaks to the previous 4G template. Lenders are generally comfortable with the model, but...
There are signs that Colombia's 5G transport PPP programme has learned some of the lessons of 4G. But debt liquidity may still be challenging
Middle Eastern renewables development has benefited in recent years from the region’s long history in independent power development, strong regional bank liquidity and...
The deep impacts of COVID-19 on societies and economies worldwide may lead to drastic changes in the way infrastructure is procured. But what, according to Proximo...
Continued regulatory wobbles, more than sponsor quality or technology type, have allowed a monoline insurer to occupy a profitable niche in Spanish solar financing. If...
US energy and infrastructure sponsors are getting creative in accessing new debt markets for brownfield and greenfield assets. This webinar will look at the newest and...
Webinar: 13/8/20 10am EST/3pm UK. COVID-19 has had severe impacts on sports facilities financings. What are the potential paths to recovery and what might need to change...
Webinar on-demand: Could a long-established financing technique in the US utility finance a faster transition from coal to renewables?
On-demand Webinar | Do the revenue streams - and the acceptance of technology risk - exist to make battery storage bankable for long-term lenders?
Webinar: 23/7/20 10am EST/3pm UK. Chile has long been the most reliable, competitive and low-cost power and renewables finance market in Latin America. Can it harness...
On-demand Webinar: 9/7/20 10am EST/3pm UK. Offshore wind is taking off in France and Iberia, with the Mediterranean emerging as a major potential source of financings....
Webinar on-demand: It's one of the hottest asset classes in social infrastructure. A look at the best short- and long-term investment strategies in the US student housing...
Appetite for credit risk insurance (CRI) for project financings looks set to rise in the wake of fallout from Covid-19. In the first session of a two-part roundtable...
On-demand webinar. As renewable finance goes mainstream in Sub-Saharan Africa, equity investment is getting easier to come by. But DFIs are still essential to getting...
The clock is ticking for sponsors to respond to Mexico’s recent anti-renewables moves. But there may be room to negotiate.
On-demand Webinar | Hydrogen remains popular as an energy storage medium, and is becoming an increasingly popular industry in its own right. This webinar looks at the...
This year's Asia Awards featured new technologies, new types of risk allocation and some impressive feats of multisourcing. With Asia coming back strongly, these are the...
On-demand Webinar | Mexico's wind and solar sectors have consistently produced bankable projects. But competition in auctions is intense, and state utility CFE is no fan...
As Uzbekistan looks to meet growing gas demand while phasing out inefficient Soviet-era power facilities, a DFI/ECA-backed financing for the 1.6GW Surkhandarya CCGT project has provided a deal template to help realise both initiatives.